fairy race 5e

As an action on your turn, you may reach out to try and impose the sensation of death upon another creature. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 force damage. You know the control flames cantrip. If a flying creature is knocked prone, has its speed reduced to 0, or is otherwise deprived of the ability to move, the creature falls, unless it has the ability to hover or it is being held aloft by magic, such as the fly spell.. Interestingly, light fairies seem to be the most mischievous of the fairies, in contradiction to their bright and cheery origins. However, despite their tendency to pull pranks, they are also extremely protective and supportive of those they call their friends, tending most towards good, though they will sometimes be neutral instead; though evil fairies are possible, it is very uncommon for one to be so.Size. They are extremely hot-headed, bold, passionate, and gung-ho. Rules for creating a Fairy Player Character for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.Bone-Chilling. Death fairies often find themselves attracted to not only death, but surprisingly areas of abundant life as well. Posted by 4 months ago. They often look like tiny elves, with pointed ears and ranging skin tones. Darkvision. Under the direction of the Court of Stars, they etch the patterns of frost on the winter ponds and rouse the buds in springtime. Faeryshin- A gritty fairy race based on Carnival Row's creatures. What set the names of these fae sprits is the way in which they recieve their names. Curiously, they seem to be much more social with other fairies than one might expect of such a somber group. An arcane fairy's presence can elicit a mild mood of wonderment and curiosity. Race. This week on our Dungeons & Dragons 5e Homebrew Discussion show we talk about a homebrew race that checks all of Onog's boxes: Flying? They can even carry small attributes of the insect family they hail from, including antennae, fluff, and the wing styles. Your wings are see through and you have a sheen that shows in a single color; the patterns your wings carry are often entrancing. Close. You can innately cast the absorb elements spell as a 1st level spell once without spending a spell slot, after which you must finish a short or long rest before you can cast it again. Names: Weety, Miney, Yubu, Fraylo, Woma, Vuvu, Maya-eyu. You can speak, read, and write Ignan.Fiery. Feedback is more than welcome … From Pilleri Federico. We've tried to get into dnd in the past, and she's found herself not feeling invested in her halfling Bard character. Moth Fairy, Popular races include human, elf, dwarf, and halfling. Ability Score Increase. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Their eyes often look like a molten liquid but the pupils can be visible if you can ever get a close enough look. They tend to be calm and collected, though not without emotion; they simply seem to lack extreme amounts of enthusiasm compared to the likes of fire fairies or storm fairies. On rare occasions their wings can appear to be literal wisps of flame rather than shaped imitations. If your GM is using the wind damage variant rule, then the storm fairy's Stormy trait is replaced with the following: Stormy. Their wings are made from short bolts of lightning coming from their back, and are always extremely bright, approaching white in color, regardless of what tinge they happen to possess. Storm fairies often find themselves gravitating towards areas of high voltage, though this doesn't seem to be exclusive to an area where a storm is present; large amounts of emotional and social tension appear to be sufficient enough to draw in a storm fairy. They like flower fairies more than other kinds of fairies, which is likely due to the relation plants and sunlight have, despite the fact that their mischievous nature contrasts with the empathetic and helpful tendencies of flower fairies. Fairy Age: Fairies mature completely around 3 years old, and live up to around 20 years old. Fairy Race Sheet by tumblr user @probablyjustfairyrpgideas. Faerie folk have many different looks. They become agitated and more aggressive when a large and powerful storm begins to form, making them more dangerous than usual in stormy weather. You know the druidcraft cantrip. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Regardless of the color, their hair and eyes are always extremely rich, giving an electric feel to them. 45. Fairy Race D&D 5e Fairies are a minor fey creature that occasionally appear in the wilds of the mortal realms. The ability scores are inconsistent with 5e standards, No 5e race has an ability score increase above 2 in one stat and 1 in another, and none have an ability score decrease of any kind, you can say they have disadvantage on strength checks, but the -4 STR isn't the way 5e works. They have a tendency to think a great deal about any given situation, and some have displayed tendencies to overthink things. In addition, when wielding a weapon shrunk by your shrink trait, its damage dice are not reduced. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.Lightning-Fast. You have advantage on saving throws against being paralyzed and resistance to lightning damage, but vulnerability to force damage.Shocking Zeal. They appreciate the company of light fairies the most, with death fairies shockingly being their second-favorite variety to associate with, despite the complete contrast between the death fairies' serious attitude and their own lack of seriousness. To be able to communicate telepathically with a creature, it must understand at least one language, and must have an Intelligence score of 4 or higher. The Faerie Folk, including two subraces, Pixies and Sprites, are based off of their respective entries in the 5e Monster Manual and allow players to step into the unique role of a Tiny character. These fairies tend to be hardy, but thick-headed compared to other fairies, often having narrow views and difficulty understanding concepts. Ability Score Increase. Fairies will often take on the names of humans or elves, and sometimes those of the plants and trees that they find their homes in. Pixies hardly over a foot tall and weigh next to nothing. Feyblood, the half-fairy race. A fire fairy showing off her control over flame. Your size is Tiny.Speed. They are shy and reclusive flying fey creature that adores playing tricks and pranks on others.Ability Score Increase. Their hair and wings are almost always black or dark silver, though some rare occasions give them grey wings or hair, or brown hair; their eyes are usually dark, cold colors as well, such as black, dark purple, red, sapphire blue, silver, or grey. 45. Creatures have disadvantage on grapple checks when trying to grapple you, and you have resistance to fire damage, but vulnerability to water damage. ADD TO WISHLIST > PDF $ Suggested Price $1.00. Creatures have disadvantage on grapple checks when trying to grapple you, and you have resistance to fire damage, but vulnerability to cold damage.Burning Passion. This document contains information for Faerie Folk, a new playable race for D&D 5e. Your wings have a fine loose powder that trails behind you in a color to match your wings; wings can range in many different shades and colors. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.Nature Incarnate. You can help D&D Wiki by finishing and/or adding flavor to this page. I love all unseelie, and drow because like me, they like the darker side of feydom. There is a subrace, despite this being just one race. It is said that they taught the birds to fly and to sing. You have advantage on saving throws against being petrified and resistance to cold damage, but vulnerability to fire damage.Perfect Freeze.

You may only animate one … Your winged fairy gains two additional traits. You are used to frigid temperatures. Fairies, though they vary extremely wildly in stature, lack significant power when they are too small. **Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier), https://www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Fairy,_Variant_(5e_Race)&oldid=1352628, The user above has requested no further edits to this page by anonymous users. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.Magically-Inclined. You're accustomed to living in twilight forests and dark undergrowths. Faerie folk stand between six to eight inches tall. Fairies are small fey creatures that look surprisingly human, though they sport medium-sized wings on their backs, and completely unrestricted hair and eye colors, which can range to be any color imaginable. Fairy name generator . Kitsune, a race of shapeshifting foxes who can take on the forms of other humanoids in an attempt to fit in. They are chaotic even with their laws. They are extremely social, and associate with anyone they can, not just other fairies, though they have a bit of difficulty understanding when to be serious. 5e Store! Though fairies prefer to keep out of sight, they can be found almost anywhere in the Feywild. A Fairy’s small stature makes them weak compared to other races, but their powerful natural affinity for magic can make up for this weakness somewhat. A rare mind fairy, having been interrupted from trying to read a book. They can very rarely also spawn on battlefields of long and large wars, nearer to the end of the conflict when the area has been littered with the corpses of fallen warriors. In these places, fairies cast their shimmering lights to color their domains in incandescent hues, gradually shifting from soft red to bright yellow to deep violet and back again. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.Good-Natured. This trait has no effect on undead or constructs. Contacts between the Feywild and material dwellers have historically been key for the evolution of the world: From the old alliances with elves and dryads to the great wars between Elves and dwarves, from the great empires of the forests to the small colonies of pixies and sprites. Winged. Despite their personality having a strong contrast to the personality of light fairies, flower fairies are still drawn most towards their bright brethren. You can speak and understand Deep Speech.Telekinesis Hovering. Ability Score Increase. Fairy Race (5e homebrew) Standing barely 2 foot tall, fairies resemble diminutive elves with gossamer wings like those of dragonflies or butterflies, bright as the clear dawn and as luminous as the full moonrise. Additionally, if your GM is using the water damage variant rule, then the fire fairy's Fiery trait is replaced with the following: Fiery. Though they aren't any less of pranksters than other fairies, flower fairies are much more ready to rush in and apologize if one of their pranks accidentally causes injury to someone. When you hit with a melee attack, as a bonus action, you can cause the attack to deal 1d4 extra fire damage. Fairy. Anyone drinking the cider gains a +1 … You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Play a Faerie character if you want to try seeing the worlds of D&D from a different …

That comes with baked in expertise on angry creatures? Your Dexterity score increases by 2.Age. Though some mind fairies seem to possess visible wings, others appear to lack wings but are capable of flight just the same as any other fairy regardless; it is unknown why this is, though some researchers theorize that the wingless individuals fly through some sort of self-telekinesis. Their wings are fairly bland, being the typical, translucent and thin wings one might expect of a standard fairy.
Wait, so racial nature and racial herbalism and an instrument? Jump to: navigation, search. They are essentially lesser pixies- they are similar but have less powerful magic and less attuned to nature. Ability Score Increase. Examples of the latter include, but are not limited to: Puny manifestations of nature, these eternally young-hearted fey spend their days playing games and pulling pranks.Ability Score Increase. A recurring motif of legends about fairies is the need to ward off fairies using protective charms. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You can speak, read and write Common, Elvish, and SylvanSubrace. Their wings tend to look feathery, like a bird's, and when black can have a striking resemblance to crow's wings. Reason: This needs more fluff. Fairies were also sometimes thought to haunt specific locations, and to lead travelers astray using will-o’-the-wisps. Tiny? They seem to be the most empathetic and understanding of the fairies, sympathizing frequently with others, and have a habit of eavesdropping on conversations. They love vibrantly colored clothes or shiny metal armor, something that speaks about their personality on a level that other pixies and some people can understand. As such, you are acclimated to extreme cold, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, and you ignore the effects of difficult terrain caused by ice and snow. Fairies rarely reach over 1 foot tall, and their wings come in many designs and patterns, ranging from butterfly to beetle. Just as death, the mind, and flame are natural to the world around you, magic is in fact also naturally-occurring within the world. Since Monk's Martial Arts allows them to apply Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls, can you do the same with the Strength debuff in the Speed over Strength feat? I based the race off of the Irish faerie which were described as anywhere from tiny to the size of a human. Late comment but hovering is a specific thing in 5e. You are capable of communicating telepathically with other creatures out to a range of 60 feet. They like to spy on other creatures and can barely contain their excitement around them. Ability Score Increase. As an action on your turn, you can cause yourself or a creature you touch to regain 1d4 hit points. Fairies with enough power to stand alongside other races will usually be between 2 and 4 feet in height. Common examples of such charms include church bells, wearing clothing inside out, four-leaf clover, and food. You know the spare the dying cantrip. This instance of the spell can only be triggered by lightning damage. Theories suggest this might be due to the fact that flowers are much more commonly associated with women than men, but research has so far been inconclusive. In addition, similar to ice fairies, fire fairies sport more unique-looking wings; their wings often match their hair and eyes in color, and are more opaque than other fairies' wings, taking on shapes that resemble licks of flame. … Faeryshin- A gritty fairy race based on Carnival Row's creatures. An enchanted race born of raw fey magic, fairies are the diminutive tiny folk of the Feywild. Cultural Traits. Ability Score Modifiers: Fairies are cute and quick on their feet, but their carefree nature often leads to their death. You carry a small amount of fuzz around your neck and on your arms, as well as the long elegant antennae of butterflies. These fairies are easily the most fun-loving variety, and though they are prone to being tricksters, they also enjoy playing games, participating in public events, and even adventuring much more than any other fairy. A typical fairy, sitting in a field doing some cloud watching. These fairies seem to be exceptionally in-tune with emotions, as their expressions can have some shockingly drastic effects on the mood of a room: their sweet smiles are uplifting, practically evicting foul moods; in the wake of their fluttery laughter, a conversation can quickly dissolve into a chorus of chuckles, giggles, and guffaws; atmospheres become dampened by their tears, reflective of rain causing soaked petals to droop pitifully. The first name that a fairy recieves is their fae name, which is given based off of how the fairy was born (Ex: a fairy born out of a flower in the … A light fairy sitting happily in a tree, holding a pinwheel to the sky on a windy day. You have advantage on saving throws against being blinded and resistance to radiant damage, but vulnerability to necrotic damage.Shining Radiance. Includes racial traits, new backgrounds, and new feats. Fairy Names. Ancestral Traits . You must choose a subrace, selecting from fire fairy, flower fairy, ice fairy, and light fairy. 5th Edition. Flower fairies spawn in areas abundant with plants and especially flowers. Fairies will often use Sylvan and fey names, but they've also been known to frequently use names that are natural phenomenon, aspects of nature, or otherwise just natural objects, such as plants. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened and resistance to necrotic damage, but vulnerability to radiant damage.Death's Mercy. Light fairies usually spawn in large, open areas where light is free and mostly uninhibited, though they can rarely spawn in enclosed spaces if they're exceptionally well-lit. Because of their rarity, storm fairies are rarely seen at all, let alone associating with other fairies. Natural Energy Formation. Light fairies' hair and eye colors are rarely, if ever, dull or pale, instead sporting brilliant, cheery, vivid colors. Orcs are one of Exandria’s youngest races, and are said to have been born from elves seared by the blood of Gruumsh, the Ruiner. Despite what some may believe, arcane fairies are just as natural as any other fairy. Once, when you fail a death saving throw, you can choose to treat it as a success instead. Flight. When you take the dash action on your turn, you can move an additional 10 feet.Electric Core. Your Charisma score further increases by 1.Extra Language. Your Constitution score increases by 1.Extra Language. Their smiles are like rays of sunshine, having a strangely contagious effect, capable of lighting up even the darkest of moods. Fairies are charismatic, energetic, and love to play. Your creature type is simultaneously humanoid, fey, and elemental all at once.Fey Ancestry. Fairies are fun-loving beings, so they are almost always chaotic. Arcane fairies are usually attracted to places with concentrated magic, even if it's residual. To most, they are a race of demon-worshiping marauders dwelling in the subterranean depths of the Underdark, emerging only on the blackest nights to pillage and slaughter the surface dwellers they despise. Their presence can easily drop the temperature around them by as much as 1, or even 2, degrees. Some of these communities were founded … Fairies tend to be gung-ho about everything, mostly because of their slow wit and general lack of knowledge as well as their altered concept of life and death thanks to their ability to Reincarnate. You can speak, read, and write Aquan.Icy. They carry the normal array of human skin tones as well as light shades of the rest of the spectrum of colors, coming from light shades of red to copper and bronze. User account menu. Standard Racial Traits. You are proficient in the Nature skill.Persistence. Curiously, flower fairies seem to be the only variety of fairy whose population is almost entirely female, with males being rare. 2. Due to their rarity, there is no known pattern to their hair and eye colors, though those that have been documented have displayed hair colors such as silver, white, violet, pink, or blue, and eye colors of pink, violet, blue, grey, and black. Though fairies can actually vary drastically in stature, with some of the smallest capable of fitting in the palm of a human's hand, and some of the largest resembling a human child in size, their size is actually directly dependent on how powerful they are, so the smaller the fairy, the weaker they are. As such, the page has been locked so that only registered users can edit it. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.Fey Ancestry. Elven communities can sometimes be found beyond the material plane, most commonly on the Plane of Faerie, in part because the elves claim an ancestry that originates on that mystical plane. Mind fairies appear to be fond of intellectuals, such as wizards, professors, and teachers to name a few examples. Average Rating (5 ratings) NOTE: this contribution is now obsolete, as a new, better version of it has been included in my Multiversatility – Player’s Options Pack. You remain flying if you are restrained or knocked prone, though you still fall if you are incapacitated.Cerebral. Though researchers have yet to witness it first hand, it has been confirmed by a handful of cooperative dragons that arcane fairies will sometimes spawn in their dens, often requiring the resident dragon to shoo them out. They had a long, prehensile tail and platinum-colored, butterfly-like wings.Like true dragons, faerie dragons grew stron… *Height = base height + height modifier Starting at 6th level, you add your Charisma modifier to the damage of this attack. This variety of fairy is not as upbeat as other fairies, and in fact appear to hold some level of increased maturity over other types. A subreddit for D&D 5e homebrew. Ability Score Increase. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 necrotic damage, and it can't regain hit points until the start of your next turn. This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Fairies look like human or elven children. Ironically, contrary to what many people believe, flower fairies do not dislike death fairies at all; flower fairies rather appear to enjoy the company of death fairies more than they do the company of most other types of fairies besides light fairies. The details that are typically lost on others are all but apparent to you. Fairy subraces are distinguished by their wings and behavior, each notably similar to familiar insects. Ability Score Increase. Fairies spawn at maturity, and exist for as long as their source of nature remains prominent in the world.Alignment. Ability Score Increase. The fact that they seem to radiate heat, and their bold way of holding themselves that almost borders on brash makes it difficult to miss their presence in a room, and their attitude combined with their passion-filled gestures make it extremely easy for others to get swept up in the excitement and riled into a fervor. Unlike their … Your Strength score increases by 1.Wee Warrior. These rare fairies display large amounts of zeal, and can't seem to sit still for very long, always fidgeting, pacing, or otherwise moving their body in some way. You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and resistance to poison damage, but vulnerability to acid damage.Bountiful Spirit. Other extremely rare cases have seen an arcane fairy spawning in the midst of a long, invested conflict between powerful casters, such as wizards and sorcerers. Ability Score Increase. FREE Fifth Edition Monsters, Maps, and More. Fun and smart additions to the game, the … Press J to jump to the feed. As an action on your turn, you may launch projectiles made from condensed magic. Each had an iridescent coat of scales that reflected all colors of the rainbow, predominantly reflecting one particular color which changed with age. Ice fairies usually spawn in arctic regions, or in other regions frequently bathed in extreme cold and snowy landscapes. https://www.tribality.com/2015/06/26/ideas-for-a-fairy-tale-campaign-setting Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.Arcane Talent. Fairies don't typically possess any sort of complex society, as they live out in nature, the place of their birth and origin. Granting you a flying speed of 30 feet adore playing tricks and pranks on others.Ability Score Increase on Score. Cloud watching in arctic regions, or even 2, degrees > that with! Go where they please is simultaneously humanoid, fey, and one language. Her control over flame presence can easily be assumed that fairies date back as as... 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fairy race 5e 2021