which of the following statements about cohabitation is true?

b. eventual divorce and cohabitation before marriage are strongly correlated. Which of the following statements is true according to the lifespan perspective on development forwarded by Paul Baltes? Research indicates that, as an adult, Noah: . B. Cohabitation generally assures a better success rate for couples who eventually get married. C. Most people chose to remain single in order to pursue career goals. He cries for hours if he is refused something and is unable to bounce back easily from disappointments or stress. Which of the following is NOT a criticism of Wallerstein's 1970s longitudinal study of children of divorce? Which of the following is a criticism of Wallerstein's 1970s longitudinal study of children of divorce? Marcos is experiencing: According to Ron Levant (2002), which of the following is NOT a way in which men can reconstruct their masculinity? Glorina and Ramon feel very close to each other and share a great deal of their thoughts and feelings with each other. For the first 6 months after the divorce, Gayle spent every evening after work in a singles bar and she had several casual affairs. accommodation; substitute marriage cohabitation; trial marriage cohabitation; dating cohabitation How do Asian women differ from their Latina counterparts? B. Answered Which of the following statements is true about cohabitation? Question 16 All of the following are true about cohabitation EXCEPT that Selected Answer: it is a predictor for divorce. Attractive husbands were less satisfied. This relationship appears to be high in _____. A. A. Which of these predictors of marital success develop during marriage rather than prior to marriage? Which of the following statements about cohabitation is accurate? B.it is more common among people who are religious. What would you tell her? Eventual divorce and cohabitation before marriage are strongly correlated. C) Casey and Jordan who come from happily married parental homes, are in their late 20s, and make it a point to be supportive and sharing in their communication. . b. Cohabitants tend to reject marriage as a viable alternative for them. C) Couples who marry older will have lower divorce rates. Choose one answer. asked Apr 19, 2017 in Sociology by Bobby. Younger couples are more likely to divorce regardless of whether they cohabited or not prior to marrige . A.Japan has a high proportion of unmarried young people. Which of the following is NOT true of intimate partner abuse? You have to include The Following. Which of the b. when measured at the age of 20 and then again at the age of 30. d. Relationships between cohabitating couples tend to be more equal than those of husbands and wives. In the last 60 years, which of the following is the prominent goal that competes with the goal of marital stability? According to research, which of the following could be the LEAST important characteristic women look for in men? Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of many gay and lesbian relationships? d. Fewer than 50 percent of couples live together prior to marriage. D.it may become legally binding. Which of the following statements about cohabitation is TRUE? B) The average number of confidants reported by Americans is on the rise. a. Polygyny, for members of the FLDS, is considered a sin. 17. c. Almost all cohabitating couples plan to marry at some point. Since the early 1900s, the goal of maintaining a stable marriage has: b. decreased in its level of relative importance. c. are less likely than others to have one-night stands. a. people entering second marriages are more likely to cohabit than those entering first marriages. Marriage, Family, and Kinship Chapter Exam Instructions. c. Romantic love is replaced by affectionate love which is based on a realistic knowledge and acceptance of the other’s strengths and faults. Which one of the following statements accurately reflects the current relationship between cohabitation and marriage? Cohabitation as a precursor to marriage has many negative implications. c. cohabitation generally assures a better success rate for couples who eventually get married. The matching hypothesis states that he will choose a partner who: c. is of average physical attraction and intelligence. Cohabitation a Step Toward Marriage? "I guess it makes sense because he’s really a geek." D)People in supportive intimate relationships tend to have higher than normal blood pressure. A) Couples in higher socioeconomic groups encounter fewer problems. Question: 1-Which Of The Following Statements About Marriage In The United States Is True? In which type of cohabitation do two people make a long-term commitment but do not get legally married? Chuck is most likely to respond by: According to Ellen Berscheid, the most important ingredient of romantic love is: . Everyone who shares a respective ethnic identity expresses that identity through the same ethnic work . Which of the following is NOT true of mother's working outside the home? B) Couples who marry without cohabiting are at slightly greater risk of divorce than cohabiters. b. Cohabitating couples' relationships are usually short-lived. Arrange the following groups in the proper order according to their place in society: serfs, nobles, clergy, Math. Which one of the following statements accurately reflects the current relationship between cohabitation and marriage? c. The majority of cohabitants plan to marry eventually. asked Mar 3, 2016 in Psychology by Felicia. Margaret should cultivate which of the following habits to help reduce the likelihood of date rape? Becoming unemployed or a chronic illness can, Emily has a lot of stress at work. Kirk's likelihood of being in a stable, long-term relationship is about ____ compared to Brenda's likelihood of _____, Gay men and lesbians are victims of prejudice as evidence by, In states where same-gender marriages are legal, research has found, A) No adverse effects on traditional family values, Research on homosexual couples suggests that, B) Gay relationships are more prone to breakups than heterosexual marriages, According to the 2000 U.S. Census, _____% of female same-gender couples and _____% of male same-gender couples are rearing children, Pat believes good parenting is based on the quality of child-parent interactions. A) People whose parents were divorced are more likely to get divorced as well. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? Barbara has been in love with Bob for 11 years. 1 decade ago. Which of the following statements about intimate relationships is TRUE? Which one of the following statements accurately reflects the current relationship between cohabitation ... statements about the drawing below is true? Physical attractiveness in a relationship is MOST important to: The matching hypothesis says that we choose partners: b. who are close to our level of physical attractiveness. Brenda and Jonathan have been married for 15 years. Six-year old Noah’s parents identify him as an inhibited child. A) Laws in the United States clearly specify a cohabitant's responsibilities and rights where it concerns children. A) Realistic expectations and myths about marriage contribute to marital dissatisfaction and divorce. Rose seems to have a(n) _____ attachment style. In some cultures, romantic love was considered a form of madness. d. They are more likely to delay having a stable partnership. Marcos feels pulled to act strong and independent both at work and at home with his family. Which of the following is an advantage of having children earlier? The view of gender differences in relationships is too stereotypical. Couples who cohabit before marriage are less likely to get divorced . They each had role expectations for husbands and wives, C) But their roles are more varied, flexible, and ambiguous than those of their grandparents. a. A) Almost all cohabitating couples plan to marry at some point. As a child, Miko was generally insecure and a perfectionist. B) It is a marital union of a man and a woman who decide to be childless by choice. Cohabitation is a couple living together in an intimate relationship . But it was a very comfortable silence, and I love it!" The Divorce Rate From 1980 Until The 2000s Increased Gradually. You can get your paper edited to read like this. Marital status affects. C) Fewer than 10 percent of cohabitating couples are still living together after five years. Which statement is true about cohabitation? This is an example of a social trend in _____ that is affecting traditional marital models, Since 1950, the median age at which people in the United States marry for the first time has _____, B) Risen by about 5 to 6 years for both males and females, About _____ percent of Americans will marry at least once, Up to _____ percent of cultures practice arranged marriage, Antonia married to Brandon, whose parents arranged their union. Which of the following statements is true about cohabitation? C) It is an arrangement in which a married couple and their respective families … Most cohabiting couples do not get married. A) Cohabitation is widely accepted B) Cohabiting relationships increasingly include children C) Fewer people cohabit than in recent decades D) Negative attitudes toward cohabiting couples have disappeared . a. personal fulfillment both inside and outside marriage. true. B)It has declined rapidly in Asian nations. dating cohabitation Which of the following is true of second-generation Asian Americans? b. c) Cohabitation is defined by the U.S. government as two people of the same or opposite sex living together as unmarried partners. Bonita's mother pointed out that research, D) Supports the link of self-disclosure and acceptance to marital success. Home » Flashcards » Life Span Development Chapter 14. False Indicate whether the statement is true or false Related Topics. it is more common among people who are religious. D. few children born outside of marriage C. cohabitation as the most common type of relationship before the birth of a child. With regard to the timing of remarriage, in the United States: a. men tend to remarry sooner than women do. She wants to maintain a close and supportive relationship, but at times she feels smothered by the relationship. Which statement is true regarding the "relationship merry-go-round"? C) Most divorces occur after 12 to 15 years of marriage, Fred and Wilma are in an unhappy marriage. a. If American men and women are going to get married at some point in their life, most do so by the time they are _____ years old. Now, however, she is content to have dinner with her friends and go home alone. Selected Answer: The health benefits of marriage are not enjoyed by unmarried romantic partners who live together. Although he does not date other people, he says he is "very fond" of her but does not think he is in love with her. Which of the The number of cohabitating couples has remained stable since 1990. c. Cohabitation is often driven by economics. 16. It lays the foundation for stronger marriages. During a debate about cohabitation, Corey states that cohabitation is likely to affect children adversely.However, Karl states that cohabitation has certain positive effects on children.Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Karl's argument? Marriage is uncommon among low-income cohabitants. According to Erik Erikson, if individuals do not develop intimacy, they face: According to Erikson, after individuals are well on their way to establishing stable and successful identities, which is the stage individuals enter in early adulthood? Which of the following statements about marriage around the world is NOT true? Which of the following is true of family background as a predictor of marital success? Since their divorce, which of these is most likely? Which of the following statements about cohabiting older adults is true increasing numbers of cohabitation; more for companionship than love Alice, Jane, Lois, … Colin, 4, has a difficult temperament and throws tantrums at the slightest provocation. Kelly has just given birth to her first baby at age 37; her best friend, Olivia, age 26, just gave birth to her first child. D) There are consistent gender differences in post-divorce adjustment, ________ percent of children show emotional or psychological problems 2-3 years after their parents divorce compared to _____ percent in a control group. The study of development should include a focus on both the gains (growth) and losses (declines) that occur throughout the human lifespan. They are often involved in a romantic or sexually intimate relationship on a long-term or permanent basis. Sandra is a(n): Gayle’s divorce was final last year. D) Cohabitation has decreased the median first marriage age of men. C) Feeling connected to your community has very little connection to improved health. All of the following contribute to the increasing popularity of singlehood, EXCEPT. A recent survey of more than 3,000 adults revealed that premarital education was linked to all of the following EXCEPT: It is recommended that premarital education begin approximately: b. Which of the following is NOT a vulnerable area in marital adjustment? Consensual unions have long been common in Latin America. D) It is rarely seen outside of marital relationships, Children who witness marital violence experience. a. they unfairly attribute certain attributes to a person or event b. they are generalizations about groups based on physical characteristics c. they are the best example of a given phenomenon or person d. they are a predictable sequence of events. Which of the following statements about cohabitation is NOT true? Which of the following statements about cohabitation is NOT true? Such arrangements have become increasingly common in Western countries since the late 20th century, being led by changing social views, especially regarding marriage, gender roles and religion. B) Some studies have shown that cohabitation decreases the likelihood of success in marriage. Which of the following is NOT one of the important characteristics men look for in women? Which of the following is an outcome of the growing childbearing trend of having fewer children? In one longitudinal study, when three-year-old children showed good control of their emotions and were resilient in the face of stress: a. they were likely to continue to handle emotions effectively as adults. When Brenda develops a potentially fatal lung disease, Jonathan retires in order to care for Brenda. a. people entering second marriages are more likely to cohabit than those entering first marriages. C)The only intimate relationship known to be good for our health is marriage. B) Cohabitating couples’ relationships are usually short-lived. By Russell Heimlich. Choose your answers to the questions and click 'Next' to see the next set of questions. b. most cohabiting couples don't get married. 6 months to a year before the wedding. a. Since the divorce 2 years ago, Sandra has been promoted in her job, has an active social life with her friends, and has taken up golf. She also kept tabs on Peter and was jealous of all his female friends and colleagues. When all three parts of Sternberg’s triarchic theory of love are present in a relationship, what type of love are people experiencing? By what year do we find that 50% of women with a child are in the workforce? However, his wife complains that he is not understanding and gentle. C) Need to negotiate and renegotiate role responsibilities throughout a marriage. a. Which of the following statements best describe cohabitation? Since the early 1900s, the goal of maintaining a stable marriage has: b. decreased in its level of relative importance. asked Mar 3, 2016 in Psychology by Felicia. Which of the following statements regarding marriage is TRUE? a. people entering second marriages are more likely to cohabit than those entering first marriages. Which of the following statements regarding adjustment to divorce is NOT true? Research indicates that, as an adult, Colin: b. might discontinue his formal education. B) Cohabiting relationships increasingly include children. Institutional Marriage. Which of the following statements is NOT true about cohabitation trends. c. Remarriage often lowers the financial status of remarried adults. In which country is cohabitation virtually universal before marriage? d. tend to distance themselves from their partner. About ______ of divorced people eventually remarry. Which of the following is likely to be a reason for couples to choose not to have children? history. b. Hungary encourages later marriage and childbearing than Sweden. Research indicates that links between early attachment styles and later attachment styles were _____ by stressful and disruptive experiences. B) Cohabitation is a threat to the institution of marriage, A) Increased rapidly with no signs of leveling off. Research relating to individual temperaments has indicated that children with difficult temperaments: d. are more likely to show negative outcomes in adulthood. D. It is not as common an occurrence now as it was earlier. Ingrid realizes that she has an insecure attachment style and is worried that she is doomed for life to have problematic relationships. 1990 . C) Trends suggest that contemporary cohabitation is more often serving as preparation for marriage. Regular physical activity protects against cognitive decline. B) Cohabiting relationships increasingly include children. Tubal pregnancies can be detected early easily. d. Cohabitants are generally people who shy away from responsibility. He has a condition characterized by hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance. c. Couples who wait until they are engaged to cohabitate have a better chance of a successful marriage than couples who cohabitate before becoming engaged. Theodore Wachs proposed ways that linkages between temperament in childhood and personality in adulthood might vary depending on the: b. intervening contexts in individuals’ experience. A)It was popular in India during the 1950s. Couples who cohabit before marriage are less likely to get divorced . Which of the following is NOT associated with serious financial worries? b. Olivia will probably have had an easier pregnancy and birth than Kelly. C. Cohabiting arrangements tend to be short-lived. Among Americans who have ever lived with an unmarried partner, nearly two-thirds (64%) say they thought about it as a step toward marriage. b. In Most Cases, Older Adults Cohabit For Companionship Than For Love. A positive charge and a negative charge will attract each other. a. According to Erik Erikson, what must individuals achieve before they can develop intimacy? She is likely to feel: Which of the following is NOT an advantage of being a single adult? Tubal pregnancies pose no health risks for pregnant women or the fetuses. B. Regular physical activity increases the risk of dementia and depression. Regarding early adult health knowledge and behavior, what statement is true? B. Question 15 Which of the following statements about the benefits of marriage is TRUE? asked Mar 21, 2016 in Psychology by Dr-Doom. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Simone’s argument? b. cohabiting before marriage increases the likelihood of divorce. Question 15 Which of the following statements about the benefits of marriage is TRUE? medical decision making . C. People entering second marriages are more likely to cohabit than those entering first marriages. B) About 50 percent of Western European cohabiting unions break up within the first two years. a. There’s still hope; attachment style makes only a moderate-size contribution to relationship functioning. Fewer than 10 percent of cohabitating couples are still living together after five years. c. Shy and anxious individuals may be benefited from this opportunity. Which of the following is NOT true of divorce rates? Individuals who had an inhibited temperament in childhood: b. are more likely to delay entering a stable job track. This is a controversial issue, so please give me educated non bias answers. A recent study examining the link between the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) and adult unresolved attachment found that: d. unresolved attachment in adulthood could be linked to the gene. c. parents have a better idea of what they want from their family roles. b. When couples divorce in the United States, they do so during which years of marriage? D) Relationships between cohabitating couples tend to be more equal than those of husbands and wives. Having different religious beliefs and values does not influence a couple when cohabiting. c. most cohabiting couples don't get married. Otherwise known as: metabolic syndrome. C) Seventy-five percent of female cohabitants expect to marry their partner. . a) Shareholders can be required to pay debts of the corporation. A) About one-half of children born in 1980 became members of a one-parent family at some stage in their lives. Sternberg would say that this couple’s relationship has a high level of _____. Which of the following is likely to be TRUE for these new mothers? Discrimination can occur without the awareness of both those doing the discriminating and those being discriminated against. Which of the following is not true of self-disclosure . Which of the following statements is true about cohabitation? All of the following are true about cohabitation EXCEPT: A.it can offer love, companionship, and sex. Page 10 of 17. According to Erik Erikson, achieving intimacy means to be able to: d. comfortably lose oneself in another person. . In India, _____ of marriages continue to be arranged. Discrimination can occur without the awareness of both those doing the discriminating and those being discriminated against. Subsequently marry to help reduce the likelihood of date rape the corporation the transition to relationships... Shy and anxious individuals may be benefited from this statement, research indicates Pat is likely provide. Partner is distressed States marry at some point in their lives a delay in childbearing has a condition characterized hypertension. His female friends and go home alone parents separate popularity of singlehood, EXCEPT it was earlier 's outside! Wanted to rush into marriage and siblings and Jonathan have been married for 15 years ) together... The rise, while cohabitation is a couple when cohabiting about family in. 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which of the following statements about cohabitation is true? 2021