Just as you might remark of a loved one down in the dumps as having lost their spark, so too do crystals seem less iridescent when they need this kind of attention. It can improve the function of your endocrine system and help relieve constipation. Citrine crystals are usually yellow, yellow-brown, orange, dark orange-brown, and reddish-brown in color. When there’s too much negative energy in your spirit, you will feel like your balance is off. And let them flow freely as they must – without interference, however wrought and scary it gets. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, clearing the mind and stirring the soul to … Rich coloring catches every eye. Citrine is well known for its energies in manifesting your biggest dreams and bringing in more success and prosperity. Due to the fact that you can often find larger Citrine stones, it works great as a large pendant. The energies of Citrine crystals will give you inspiration and increase your energy and drive. It’s a breathtaking stone and you can get Citrine as a necklace. And it can make you look forward to the future with hope and positivity. Citrine Stone Meaning and Uses. Free shipping. These exclusive citrine pendant designs are made to order just for you. The biggest obstacle we face is often ourselves. It can boost your self-esteem and encourage a positive flow of energy into your life. It will help keep your emotions steady and make you stay calm even in the most challenging situations. Runyangshi Citrine Healing Crystal Pendants, Double Pointed Natural Crystal Quartz Necklace 6 Faceted Chakra Crystal Wand Stone. They make very lovely pieces of jewelry like necklaces, pendants, bracelets, and rings. ... Shop Jewelry featuring Madeira Citrine Stones You are currently browsing all madeira citrine gemstone jewelry for sale on JTV.com. CrystalsAndJewelry.com has been designed to be the definitive resource for all things related to crystals. It will boost your self-discipline and make you develop good habits in your relationship. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. Citrine can also be combined with other stones to amplify their energies, such as Dzi, Hematite, Agate, and Rose Quartz. Citrine releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias and is emotionally balancing. Citrine colors range from a light lemony yellow all the way to an earthy brown color with some very nice oranges in between. Like an espresso shot to the psychic aura! Citrine Pendant, November Birthstone Charm, Wire Wrapped Pendant Citrine Charm, Add A Dangle, Charm Only Dainty Pendant Small Gemstone Charm LexiandGem. These kinds of exchanges do not come cheaply. Things that build up beneath the surface within us, even if we don’t realize them, often spill over to become surprisingly serious problems in the long run. Many of us can’t help but feel a little down if we don’t get out into the sun often enough. Citrine Bracelets Citrine jewelry can hold much of power that the stone caries. It stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas. Le Vian® Pendant- Citrine, Chocolate Diamonds® Vanilla Diamonds® 14K Honey Gold™ Citrine is a happy stone. Some may consider Citrine a controversial crystal, but that doesn’t mean that it lacks in wonderful benefits to its owner. If you want to skip ahead and learn how to best use this crystal, click here. Never use steam cleaning for your Citrine crystals! The loving light of Citrine is inspiring when you feel like love and comfort is lacking in your relationship. The best way to benefit from the energies of Citrine crystals is to wear them on your body. Negates kidney and bladder infections. Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Citrine Natural Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Keep an open mind and look around. When you’re ill, it brings down your mood and vice versa. This alluring yellowish golden gemstone is considered to be the birthstone for those born in the month of November.It is also a suggested gemstone for a eleventh or thirteenth wedding anniversary. Many Greeks used it to adorn jewelry, shields, and more. Citrine crystals will also help you overcome your fear of responsibility. Neck +5 Intellect +4 Stamina Use: Restores 0 health to all nearby party members every 5 seconds for 30 min. And part of that is because of just how wonderful this stone makes you feel. And it also acts as a purifier and helps counteract the harmful effects of pharmaceutical medicines. Different gemstones have been in use since ancient eras for making jewelry pieces. Requires Citrine, Elemental Water (2), Gold Bar (2), Bronze Setting Since Citrine brings self-confidence as well as positive energy, it can also help eliminate fears of being judged. The green color can make this kind of Citrine hard to identify. Be sure to try on a necklace before you purchase to make sure that you get a length that works perfectly. Having silence will allow you to hear your thoughts and feel your emotions. This stone is more closely linked to yellow Citrine than you might realize. Natural - 925 Sterling Silver Pendant Citrine Faceted Pear/Almond Pcs.3 EBJ0027. Its pale yellow color is what gives it its name, Citrine, coming from the French citron, meaning lemon. They can be beneficial to people who suffer from reverse degenerative diseases. When shopping for Citrine jewelry, the most important factors are color, cut, clarity, and carat. It can also regenerate your spiritual self! Keep it close by and tap into its energies to help you get your affairs in order. Every day, your spirit gets exposed to external energies that are both harmful and good for the spirit. This will benefit not only you but your partner and your relationship as well. Citrine Pendant, November Birthstone Charm, Wire Wrapped Pendant Citrine Charm, Add A Dangle, Charm Only Dainty Pendant Small Gemstone Charm LexiandGem. Therefore, if you want to feel sunny and cheery again, make sure to have your Citrine crystals with you. This stone is great for placement over the solar charka or kept over the throat. You can use any jewelry cleaner, or just mild soap with warm water and an old toothbrush with soft bristles when you clean your Citrine crystal. In times of low to moderate stress, Citrine is a perfect ally for realigning your energies back into balance. The color you choose is completely dependent on the color you feel best fits your needs and lifestyle. Citrine's name comes from the french word Citron, meaning lemon. Pendants that feature citrine stones become go-to pieces for day or night. Citrine is the perfect tool to cleanse and rejuvenate your spirit. It stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas. Citrine makes a great meditation aid for those of you looking to add some vividness and some vibrant, striking energy to this otherwise relaxing process. You can also find a variety of citrine bracelets, often combined with other beads and stones, such as Dzi beads, for example, clear quartz or hematite. Because of its yellow color, citrine is thought of as a joyous stone with sunshiny energy to brighten up the lives of those who work with it and wear it. When you feel lacking in direction or self-worth, spending some time in a calm or meditative state with your Citrine stone is often all it takes to turn that feeling around. Don’t be surprised if this stone just helps you to feel more energized overall! Citrine is a wonderfully far-reaching and versatile stone and one that always seems to brim with energy. From shop LexiandGem. But if you are not willing to let yourself heal from your pain or loss, no amount of encouragement will help. A Citrine in this color can be pricey. A Citrine necklace is a great way to showcase the immense beauty of this stone. Like all gemstones, there are four main factors that you should consider when shopping for your dream Citrine jewelry. Some sellers can try and scam you by selling you colored glass and pass it off to you as an actual Citrine. Shopping online can give you endless choices, with the ability to be very specific in your desires and the highest possibility that you will find the exact piece you want. They carry the energy of money, and having this crystal in your life will attract wealth and abundance to you. After the Age of Antiquity, Citrine appeared again during the … But it can last you for many years with your everyday wear and tear. And we could all do with a little more of it sometimes! And of course, it has the most uncanny yet welcome way of attracting new money and new opportunities to you. 5 out of 5 stars (1,391) 1,391 reviews $ 12.00. A great way to tell if a Citrine is real is to look at the stone in the light. A citrine bracelet can be a beautiful decorative piece as well as providing spiritual energy. And don't worry, we won't flood your inbox :). Citrine can be carried in the pocket or worn as jewelry, as a pendant, in earrings, or as a ring. Its' bright, cheery, yellow citrine color has been a major determining factor in citrine meaning throughout the centuries. It will draw all the wonderful things in life to you and attract both personal and professional success. This is why you should not place it or store it where there’s too much exposure to heat and light. You’ll find that Citrine will be one of the most dependable crystals in your collection. And a point of connection that enables you to use the differences between both of you as a strength instead of a weakness. Maybe it’s something we don’t want to risk hurting. 5 out of 5 stars (1,334) 1,334 reviews $ 12.00. The hook and bail are made out of sterling silver. With new gemstones being introduced, the jewelry fans get more unique options to embellish themselves or gift their beloved ones. When you cleanse your Citrine, make sure that your intention is clear. Citrine offers balance, harmony and a broader perspective that makes sure you don’t need to sweat the small stuff even half as much. The Citrine Meaning The healing properties of citrine are some of the most powerful to wear and connect with on a daily basis. Citrine belongs to the quartz family and has a hardness rating of 7 on the Mohs scale. Citrine will be extremely valuable to you because it’s not only a spiritual cleanser (just like Selenite). But there are also Citrine mines that can be found in the USA, Russia, Madagascar, England, France, Spain, Brazil, and South Africa. Don’t put it somewhere it can be easily hit or scratched. That sense of vitality will soon kick in, whatever age you happen to be. But Citrine can work wonders in keeping your spirits lifted and your mood high. And often, it’s how the chemicals interplay here that lead from one hue to the other. Citrine also represents spiritual joy since it spreads positive, energetic light around its aura and is said to be one of only two crystals which do not need to be recharged or purified. Citrine meaning relies on the power of warmth, the sun, and the spiritually cleaning properties. One can place the stone in parts of one’s house where the money is kept to safeguard it and keep its energetic qualities pure. You can also use it to dissipate fears of being alone or unworthy of love. If you find any visible inclusions or air bubbles, the Citrine is not authentic. Please remember, although the powers of crystals and stones are well documented and have been proven to help bring positivity into people’s lives they are never a substitute for medical advice. The spiritual meaning of Citrine is its yellow hues symbolizing the spiritual qualities of joy, abundance, and transmutation. You may also be familiar with green Citrine, which is a somewhat strikingly different version of this stone, as the name suggests. While you and your partner will simply never see eye to eye about absolutely everything, Citrine will at least help you to reach an understanding. They also help in fortifying the nerves and strengthening the spine. Also, it will encourage you to become more spontaneous because you also deserve to live a little! On these days it’s easy to be carefree as the sun’s rays shoo away the shadows in our beautiful souls. The most desirable color of a Citrine is a rich brownish-orange color with semi-transparency. It will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, as bold and as brilliant as the stone itself. Citrine crystals are formed when purple Amethyst undergoes heat treatment. It indicates that you could use a boost of "Vitamin C" in your life:  Energy, Happiness, Joy and Light, Shop our selection of Citrine Gemstones + Jewelry >>. Buy Citrine Gemstone Pendant Necklace - Natural Crystal Healing | Stone of Joy, Wealth and Abundance| Energizes Solar Plexus and Navel Chakras| Jewelry for Men & Women and other Pendants at Amazon.com. Holistic healers use Citrine in the treatment of diabetes. While there is undoubtedly an earthy quality to this beautiful stone, it also seems to connect you to the broader universe in some profound ways. Just like with Red Jasper, Citrine will draw out the negative energies in your life and bring the peace that you need. Filled with positive energy, you can more easily connect to your inner light, as well as bring a sense of optimism to your endeavors. Like with Hematite, they can bring inner peace and wisdom, and stimulate your intellectual activities. The older you get, the more duties there will be. If we can assist you in any way, please let us know! We're here to help you select the perfect gemstones and crystals for your needs. It’s the yellow-brown color that classifies the stone as Citrine. Yellow citrine is connected to the comfort, warmth, and power given by the sunlight. We design and craft each piece using only 14K white, yellow, or rose gold. Keeping Citrine crystals close to your body will help you unleash your creativity and imagination. It can also help with problems that affect your eyes. Liked it? Support us on Patreon and get personal crystal advice! Design your own unique family keepsake by building a pendant with the birthstones of your loved ones. You will know right away if you can trust a person or not. Raw Citrine Crystal Necklace 18 Inch Gold Filled November Birthstone Jewelry For … Shopping for a Citrine can be a daunting process, especially if you have a very specific idea as to what you are looking for. It enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind. Citrine crystal meaning is based on the yellow hues in citrine color. degenerative diseases and helps balance chemical imbalances in the body. Luckily the stone is so striking that this at least makes it very easy to identify when it’s in need of cleansing. The Spiritual Meaning Of Citrine. Due to the rarity of this gemstone, some gems sold as citrine may not be true citrine. Citrine helps eye problems, increases blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus and balances the thyroid. Citrine in a more yellow hue can be quite valuable as well because it resembles a yellow diamond or topaz. Through the years, it has maintained its place in the jewelry world and is almost a necessity to have in your jewelry box. So take some time and explore to find your perfect crystal and remember to like and share any content that you feel a connection with. Citrine properties make it the best stone for creating your dreams, bringing positivity into all situations and amplifying the intentions of other jewelry and stones. Negates kidney and bladder infections. Genuine citrine pendants also work well when you are struggling with persistently recurring allergies. Citrines are high luster gemstones and are rated a 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. Citrine crystals will support the energies of a home or work environment and make you productive every step of the way. It can also help relieve painful symptoms of PMS, like hot flashes, menstrual cramps, mood swings, bloating, and craving for unhealthy food. Citrine is known as the gem of optimism and renewal and is the birthstone for the month of November. With this in mind, you can use it as an excellent tool to bring positive energies to areas where you might have or suspect to have negative energies, spirits, or even ghosts. Yellow Citrine and its golden way of reflecting and refracting light just can’t help but inspire dreams of wealth, success, and abundance. Rio Grande do Sol in Brazil is the largest supplier of natural Citrine. Citrine gemstone pendants help deal with rash, watery eyes or constant watery runny nose. 10 Charges Requires Level 14. You will feel your ideas springing forward more readily, without any hesitation. If you are looking for an assistant to jump-start your creative juices, then set Citrine next to your easel, your workbench, your musical instrument, or whatever other tools you use. If you have concerns about your physical or mental health then you should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. You should use as often as possible. While appearance is one thing, the way in which the energies and sensations of this stone wash over you when you wear it can’t help but inspire you. Not only can Citrine help clear your aura and attract good fortune, but it also has a powerful effect on all areas that govern your personal power! Citrine necklaces come in a variety of lengths, from chokers to ropes. Filled with positive energy, you can more easily connect to your inner light, as well as bring a sense of optimism to your endeavors. Citrine is said to be the vitamin C of the soul because it resonates with joy and positivity. Citrine is very sensitive to heat. The spiritual meaning of Citrine is its Citrine has been referred to as the "success stone," "merchant's stone" or "money stone," due to a superstition that it would bring prosperity. It will inspire you to remain optimistic in any kind of situation, no matter how tough or scary it may be. And when you lack in physical energy or motivation, Citrine can prove to be just the boost you need to push through. Citrine can help balance and facilitate these types of energies. Just like Fluorite, Citrine will encourage you to be open to new experiences and maintain a positive attitude. more like this. Citrine 18" Pendant Necklace (6 ct. In case of nausea and vomiting, it quickly neutralizes the problem and helps to get rid of unpleasant ailments. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. But apart from its literal meaning, Citrine has a deep spiritual meaning, too. Spheres can be used for meditation. Citrine stone meaning and uses are well diverse and I will discuss those under following sections. Citrine Pendant of Golden Healing Item Level 22 Binds when equipped. Citrine crystals give energy to the body and enhance electrical impulses in the nervous system. Far-Reaching and versatile stone that enhances personal power, confidence, energy, positivity happiness. Environment and make you look forward to the rarity of this gemstone some! 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